DPAC 2022-01-04


Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC)

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.

Teleconference and Web-based (Zoom) Meeting Only; No Physical Meeting Location (Authorized by Chapter 165, Statutes of 2021 – Government Code section 11133)

Meeting URL: Single Click
Meeting ID:   847 667 90035
Password:  224422
Phone number:  888 363 4734 (US Toll Free)
Access Code: 388754 (press # after entering code)


  1. Call to Order/Flag Salute/Welcome – Mark Pruner, DPAC Chair
  2. Public Comment – an opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee regarding items not on the agenda
  3. Election of 2022 DPAC Chair and Vice-Chair – Mark Pruner (10 min.)
  4. Receive update on proposed “Delta as Place” survey of Delta residents – Dr. Jessica Rudnick and Lita Brydie, Delta Stewardship Council (15 min.)
  5. Receive report on State Lands Commission effort to remove abandoned and derelict vessels ($12 million in FY 2021-22 budget) – Andrew Kershen, State Lands Commission (20 min.)
  6. Receive and discuss report on Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority Stakeholder Engagement Committee – Douglas Hsia, DPAC and DCA-SEC member (10 mins.)
  7. Receive update on Delta Protection Commission activities – Erik Vink (20 mins.)
  8. Member Announcements and Adjourn