NHA 2021-12-02


National Heritage Area Management Plan Advisory Committee (NHA Advisory Committee)

Thursday, December 2, 2021 – 3:00 p.m. Teleconference and Web-based (Zoom) Meeting Only; No Physical Meeting Location (Authorized by Government Code Section 11133)

Meeting URL: Single Click
Meeting ID: 816 2701 6784
Password: 115511
Phone number: 888 363 4734 (US Toll Free)
Access Code: 388754 (press # after entering code)


  1. Call to Order – Erik Vink, Delta Protection Commission, NHA Advisory Committee Chair
  2. Public Comment – An opportunity for members of the public to address the NHA Advisory Committeeregarding items not on the Agenda
  3. NHA Advisory Committee Member Updates (10 mins.)
  4. NHA Heritage Adventures – Blake Roberts, Delta Protection Commission (20 mins.)
  5. Report on Delta Heritage Forum – Blake Roberts, Delta Protection Commission, Katie Metraux,California State Parks, and Carolyn Brackett, Augie Carlino, and Nancy Morgan, Point HeritageDevelopment Consulting (Point HDC) (20 mins.)
  6. Update on NHA Advisory Task Groups – Carolyn Brackett, Point HDC and Katie Metraux, CaliforniaState Parks (20 mins.)
  7. Member Announcements and Adjourn