NHA Management Plan Advisory Committee

The Delta Protection Commission is the entity responsible for preparing a management plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area. To advance that goal, the Commission created a 15-member volunteer NHA Management Plan Advisory Committee – read its charter (PDF).

The Commission approved the Management Plan on March 7, 2024, and it was submitted to the National Park Service, under the U.S. Department of Interior, on March 12, 2024.

No additional meetings of the committee are currently scheduled; past meeting agendas are here.

Committee Membership

Individual Members

Bruce Blodgett (Chair)
Elizabeth Patterson (Vice Chair)
Michael Campbell
Lenora Clark
Paulette Hennum
Matt Holmes
Douglas Hsia
Carol Jensen
Janet Lake
Gia Moreno
David Stuart
Malissa Tayaba
Jan Vick
Dan Whaley
Jean Yokotobi

Ex Officio Members

Karen Buhr, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
Herbert “Lou” Griffin, Wilton Rancheria
Jeff Henderson, Delta Stewardship Council
Matthew Moore, United Auburn Indian Community
Michael Moran, East Bay Regional Park District
Trevor Rice, National Park Service
John Takekawa, Suisun Resource Conservation District