Vision 2030 (Strategic Plan)

Vision Statement

Valuing the needs of the Delta as well as the needs of the State is fundamental to achieving the Delta Protection Commission’s vision: the ideal synthesis of cultural, ecological, and agricultural values in a sustainable, healthy, and celebrated way of life.

By 2030, the Delta will be recognized and enjoyed as a prime leisure destination, agriculture and its support services will thrive, and unique “Delta as Place” values will be embraced Statewide, nationally, and worldwide.

By 2030, the Commission will represent Delta interests in development of a water solution for California that ensures water supply reliability to both Delta and outside-of-Delta interests.

The Commission will continue to work to expand and enrich the Delta economy. Protection and enhancement of commercial agriculture in the Delta is essential to the economic sustainability of the Delta as a globally-important source of food production.

The Commission will advocate for the safety and prosperity of the Delta by supporting necessary maintenance and improvements for Delta levees and roads, effective emergency response planning, and flood preparedness throughout Delta communities.

The Commission will secure funding for the Delta Investment Fund, advance investments in Delta communities, and obtain grants, develop partnerships and gain policy support for Commission objectives.

The Commission, through its strong relationships with Delta stakeholders and other agencies, is in a powerful position to promote, educate and advocate for Delta interests. Commission members will continue to deliver balanced, effective, and trusted leadership of Delta interests to supporters and opponents alike, aided by dedicated, professional Commission staff.

Mission Statement

“Committed to the Protection and Health of the Delta”

We protect, maintain, enhance, and enrich the overall quality of the Delta environment and economy. We do this with a focus on agriculture, recreation, and natural resources, while remaining mindful of the importance of the Delta to all Californians.

“The Legislature…finds and declares that the basic goals of the state for the Delta are the following:

(a) Achieve the two coequal goals of providing a more reliable water supply for California and protecting, restoring, and enhancing the Delta ecosystem. The coequal goals shall be achieved in a manner that protects and enhances the unique cultural, recreational, natural resource, and agricultural values of the Delta as an evolving place.

(b) Protect, maintain, and, where possible, enhance and restore the overall quality of the Delta environment, including, but not limited to, agriculture, wildlife habitat, and recreational activities.

(c) Ensure orderly, balanced conservation, and development of Delta land resources.

(d) Improve flood protection by structural and nonstructural means to ensure an increased level of public health and safety.”

Delta Protection Act of 1992, updated 2009 (Public Resources Code 29702).

Strategic Themes

(The Vision 2030 Strategic Themes update was adopted at the July 15, 2021 Commission meeting.)

Annual Report

The 2023 Annual Report can be found here.