DPAC Minutes 2023-06-04

Meeting Minutes (FINAL)
Delta Protection Advisory Committee

Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Big Break Visitor Center, 69 Big Break Road, Oakley, CA 94561

1. Call to Order/Flag Salute – Anna Swenson, DPAC Chair

The meeting was scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. but was postponed due to lack of quorum. Reports were given to the group until a quorum was established at 6:00 p.m.

Vice Chair Ryan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Welcome and Roll Call

A quorum was present with members Russ Ryan, Morris Lum, Katie Wiley, Erin Chappell, Mariah Looney, Jim Cox, Emily Pappalardo, Gary Mello, Arron Pellarin, and ex-officio members Mario Manzo (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation) and Heather Swinney (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service).

DPC staff present were Executive Director Bruce Blodgett, Virginia Gardiner, Blake Roberts, Holly Heyser, and Heather McClure. Guest Todd Plain was also present.

Member Chris Elias arrived shortly after the Committee vote on Item 5, at 6:04 p.m.

3. Welcome New Members Emily Pappalardo and Katie Wiley – Anna Swenson

The committee welcomed the newest members to DPAC: Emily Pappalardo, Delta Business seat and Katie Wiley, Delta General Public seat.

4. Public Comment – An opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee regarding items not on the agenda

There were no comments from members of the public.

5. Approval of April 9, 2024, Meeting Minutes – The Committee

Member Cox moved, and Member Looney seconded, a motion to approve the April 9, 2024, Meeting Minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

6. Update on Delta Protection Commission activities – Bruce Blodgett

Blodgett touched on the DPC organizational assessment, which recommended hiring additional staff. In addition, a budget change proposal is currently being developed to bring additional staff to the NHA, which will be much needed for the implementation of the Management Plan. Another need indicated in the assessment is relocation to a larger office space to accommodate the Return-to-Office environment.

Vice Chair Ryan asked for public comments and there were none.

7. Presentation on America 250/other NHA activities – Blake Roberts

Roberts reminded the Committee of the National Heritage Area Management Plan submittal to the National Park Service a few months ago in March. NPS is given six months by statute to look over the plan before it may be finalized. Rather than waiting to hear back from NPS, there are plans for the first NHA event now in place: America 250. This will be a great opportunity to draw significant attention to and even create a buzz about the NHA. Roberts outlined the various ideas going into organizing the event such as potential themes for America 250 activities that will engage people, and branding to distinguish us from other NHAs. He referenced a guidebook for America 250 put together by the American Association for State and Local History that can be a source of guidance on what our goals might be. He emphasized the importance of building and strengthening partnerships, and the opportunity to build up communities as part of this process.

Vice Chair Ryan suggested that one-page brochures and pamphlets are very effective and easy to hand out. He also brought up sponsorships to help fund and promote the event.

Member Pellarin commented that the diversity and level of inclusiveness of the Delta is exceptionally unique and something we should play up.

Member Wiley envisioned a walk-through exhibit as an activity.

Roberts introduced the National Park Service Passport Program and its potential to increase tourism in the National Heritage Area. He discussed the need for mostly public, non-profit locations for stamping stations. He also spoke of the potential to combine this with a Junior Ranger Program.

Vice Chair Ryan proposed looking into grant opportunities from the Delta Conservancy and Delta Stewardship Council.

Vice Chair Ryan asked for public comments and there were none.

8. Discussion of Clarksburg Branch Line Trail – Jason McCoy, Supervising Transportation Planner, West Sacramento Community Development Department; Virginia Gardiner, DPC

Gardiner introduced the Great California Delta Trail, the vision of a continuous recreational corridor through all five Delta counties; the concept is a main corridor with multiple local access trails connecting through the city. There is intent to link the San Francisco Bay Trail to the Sacramento River Trails. In the works are water launch sites, and adventure hubs that will tie into the National Heritage Area effort.

McCoy presented the Clarksburg Branch Line Extension Project, which is an addition of 6.4 miles in the southern section of the Clarksburg Branch Line Trail.

The purpose is to provide safe trails for biking, walking, and recreation, including interpretive signs along trails, a 12-foot-wide multi-use path, utility corridors for fiber optic connectivity, and robust community engagement.

The total project cost is estimated at $8.96 million or $1.4 million/mi, with project development to be completed by June 2028 and construction by November 2030.

Vice Chair Ryan asked for public comments and there were none.

9. Possible DPAC memorial seat – Anna Swenson

Item deferred to next meeting.

10. Member Announcements and Next Meeting

Member Pappalardo announced the 50th Pear Fair on July 27 and 28 in Courtland.

Member Wiley announced the first annual Gerry Goodie Memorial Boat Drive July 7-9 at Wimpy’s Marina.

Member Looney announced no Harmful Algal Blooms have been detected yet; hopefully it will be the same update at the next meeting.

Vice Chair Ryan announced the Metropolitan Water District is having a presentation on the Conveyance Project on June 10 at 3 p.m. It is viewable online through www.mwdh2o.com under the One Water and Stewardship Committee.

Vice Chair Ryan then shared that the next DPAC meeting will be Aug. 6, the location to be determined.

11. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.