DPAC Minutes 2023-06-06
Meeting Notes (APPROVED)
Delta Protection Advisory Committee Meeting
June 6, 2023, 5 PM
1. Call to Order/Flag Salute/Welcome – Anna Swenson, DPAC Chair
2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
3. Approve April meeting notes
The committee discussed the meeting notes from the April meeting. Some committee members did
not have sufficient time to review these notes so they will be approved at the next meeting.
4. Bagley-Keene training – Carlos Mejia, DOJ
Mr. Mejia presented on the requirements for the DPAC under Bagley-Keene and the restrictions this
gives us as a State agency representative.
5. Levee funding – Bruce Blodgett, DPC
Levee funding and future needs were discussed. Levee subvention funding is scheduled to end in
2024. There are several bills in the legislature to address this issue.