DPAC Minutes 2023-10-10
Meeting Minutes (APPROVED)
Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC) Meeting
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.
Wimpy’s Marina, Restaurant, Bar and RV Park, 14001 W Walnut Grove Rd, Walnut Grove, CA 95690
1. Call to Order/Flag Salute/Welcome – Anna Swenson, DPAC Chair
Chair Anna Swenson called the meeting to order at 5:31pm.
2. Public Comment – An opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee regarding items not on the agenda.
There were no comments from members of the public.
3. Approve April, June, and August Meeting Notes – The Committee
Member Looney motioned to approve the April, June, and August meeting notes. Member Pellerin seconded the motion.
Member Cox discussed an issue in the April meeting notes regarding the vote to approve writing a letter for the Commissions consideration. The letter was about the State Water Board’s unimpaired flows proposal. The DPAC committee voted to write a letter, however, the letter was not advanced to the Commission. Director Blodgett responded that the DOJ attorney gave the final decision. Chair Swenson responded that she was new to the chair position and the Bagley-Keene training opened her eyes. She understands the frustration and appreciates Jim’s contribution.
Chair Swenson restated that if you send her an agenda item that it will be added to the agenda. She reiterated that DPAC is trying to abide by the rules.
Member Cox stated that the DPAC and DPC had an opportunity to weigh in on an issue that needed their expertise and that a vital opportunity was missed. He noted that if he had known that the letter was not going to be sent, he would have attended the DPC meeting and submitted a public comment.
Member Looney responded that there was no malicious intent, and every state agency was in a rush to understand the updated Bagley-Keene requirements and suggested including a standing agenda item to discuss Bagley-Keene procedures.
The Delta Protection Commission Chair Diane Burgis stated that the Chair of DPAC reports to the DPC every month and can bring items to their attention.
Member Lum suggested that there be training on Bagley-Keen procedures.
A voice vote was taken to approve the April, June and August meeting minutes and the item passed unanimously.
4. Presentation on Broadband – Vice Chair Ryan
Item was tabled to next DPAC meeting.
5. Discussion of Levee Funding – Bruce Blodgett
The legislature came and went. There are still several bills they are working through. Director Blodgett is sitting down with other Delta agencies to look at what types of bonds are available to utilize when the DWR levee funding expires.
Public comment made by Gil Cosio: Delta levee subvention program will expire on 6/30/2024. He posed the question: What is the DPC and DPAC doing to ensure that state Budget Change Proposal’s reflect levee funding? There is concern that BCP’s will have strings attached.
Two members proposed adding agenda items to the next DPAC agenda: 1) Synopsis of levee funding and 2) a listing of relevant Budget Change Proposals.
6. Receive update on Delta Protection Commission activities – Bruce Blodgett
Director Blodgett introduced Chair Burgis from the Delta Protection Commission that was in attendance. Chair Burgis stated that she appreciated the DPAC committee and that the DPC is going to lean in and provide more support to the DPAC.
Director Blodgett reported that staff are back-filling Morgan Matz’s position as quickly as possible, and the Senior Environmental Planner recruitment closed today and had several good applicants.
The NHA Advisory Committee will be meeting at the Walnut Grove library on Thursday October 12, 2023, and will be moving the management plan forward. Staff member Blake Roberts gave a report on the progress of the National Heritage Area Management Plan. The DPAC Committee will be asked for feedback which will be added to the plan for public comment.
Another agenda item was proposed for the next DPAC meeting: Comment as DPAC on the NHA Management Plan at December meeting.
Member Looney asked for an update on the 2 additional seats added to the DPAC. Director Blodgett stated that the positions will be advertised and filled as soon as possible.
7. Overview of Commission Policies and Strategies Relating to Aquatic Invasive Species – Virginia Gardiner
Staff member Virgina Gardiner gave a presentation.
8. Member Announcements and Next Meeting
Members discussed HAB’s, boating access grants available from the federal government, the Locke foundation Fundraiser lunch on Nov 5 to fund a documentary and Kids Day on October 14th for the Bass Fishing Club in Antioch.
Chair Swenson reminded members that the next meeting will be December 12th and Agenda items will be due the first week of December.
9. Adjourn at 7:11
Member Hard made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:11pm. Member Chappell seconded. A voice vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.