DPAC Minutes 2024-02-06
Meeting Minutes (Approved)
Delta Protection Advisory Committee
Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Stockton Sailing Club, 4980 Buckley Cove Way, Stockton, CA 95219
1. Call to Order/Flag Salute – Anna Swenson, DPAC Chair
The meeting was called to order by Chair Swenson at 5:34 p.m. with a quorum present. Members Swenson, Goodie, Ryan, Pellarin, Lum, Chapell, Looney, Cox and Hsia were present.
2. Welcome Gerry Goodie – Anna Swenson
The committee welcomed new committee member and Wimpy’s Marina owner Gerry Goodie to the committee.
3. Public Comment – An opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee regarding items not on the agenda.
There was no public comment.
4. Approval of December 19, 2023, Meeting Minutes – The Committee
It was moved (Looney) and seconded (Ryan) to approve the minutes. The motion carried.
5. Approval of 2024 Annual Meeting Calendar – The Committee
It was moved (Hsia) and seconded (Chapell) to approve the meeting schedule as presented. The motion passed. There was some discussion on possible meeting locations in the future.
6. Update on Delta Protection Commission activities – Bruce Blodgett
New clerk, Heather McClure and Senior Environmental Planner, Mike Avina introduced themselves to the committee. For DPAC, a prospective tribal representative has applied for the position. The NHA management plan continues to move forward with hearings on Feb. 21 and 22. Relative to this, the Committee was asked to work with their groups to submit letters of support and commitment moving forward. Finally, a new trail segment from West Sacramento to Clarksburg is gaining momentum. The committee will hear more about this at a future meeting.
7. Presentation on Delta Cross Channel – Mario Manzo
The following presentations were taken out of order with broadband going first, followed by this presentation on the Delta Cross Channel project then the update on Delta Conveyance.
This presentation talked about the installation of this facility in 1951 and the current need to upgrade and update the facility. While the current project did improve some access for recreation, a lock system was not considered that would further improve the project for access and recreation year-round.
8. Update on Delta Conveyance Project – Dante Nomellini, Jr.
Mr. Nomellini talked about the history of the Delta and the state and federal water projects. He discussed the common-pool approach that was designed to protect water quality in the Delta for all interests. With the conveyance project, most of the commitments made to the Delta would be abandoned. The EIR he believes fails to address most, if not all of the issues related to the construction and operation of the project. A number of lawsuits have been filed to stop the project and DWR has started the process to change its point of diversion with the State Water Resources Control Board.
9. Discussion of Broadband in the Delta – Bryan Hughes and Justin McCourt from Equitable Access California
Committee member Ryan introduced Mr. Hughes and McCourt from Equitable Access California, a 501 (c)3 non-profit that looks to improve broadband and internet availability throughout California and is looking for partnerships in the Delta region. The DPC 2018 report on broadband needs in the Delta was discussed as part of this process. This project would target the legacy communities throughout the Delta and would work with all entities to get this broadband access. They are currently working in rural Sonoma County to bring access to communities such as Monte Rio and Bodega Bay. They are also working with interests in Vermont that created a utility district to extend broadband access in that state. So far, they have been able to secure some grants and there is more funding available. They hope to complete a feasibility study, strategic plan and some design work on a project for the Delta in the next year.
10. Member Announcements and Next Meeting
A number of upcoming events were highlighted. The Solano County major development proposal was discussed briefly. We will add this to a future agenda.
11. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.