DPC Minutes 2024-05-16

Summary Meeting Minutes
Delta Protection Commission

Thursday, May 16, 2024, 5 p.m.
The Point Restaurant, 120 Marina Drive, Rio Vista, CA 94571


1. Call to order and Flag Salute

Chair Tom Patti, substituting for Chair Diane Burgis, called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m.

2. Welcome & Roll Call

Assistant Executive Director Debra Waltman called the roll. Present at roll call: Commissioners Patti, Paul Steele, Alan Nakanishi, Tom Slater, Shannon Shaw (for Anissa Williams), Dean Ruiz (for Nick Mussi), and Amanda Martin (for Wade Crowfoot). Chair Burgis and Vice Chair John Vasquez; Commissioners Oscar Villegas, Patrick Hume, Jim Paroli, Toks Omishakin, Karen Ross, and Jennifer Lucchesi; and ex-officio members Susan Talamantes Eggman and Carlos Villapudua were absent with no alternate present. At this time, we did not have a quorum.

Due to lack of a quorum, the Commission proceeded with discussing informational items: 3,5,6,7, and 8.

It was noted that Commissioner Brian Bugsch (for Lucchesi) arrived at 5:26 p.m. At this time, a quorum was present. Item 4 was then recalled by Chair Patti.

It was noted that Commissioner Christine Birdsong (for Ross) arrived at 5:27 p.m., just before moving to Item 9.

3. Public Comment – an opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not on the agenda.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there was none.

Consent Agenda

4. Approval of March 7, 2024, Meeting Minutes

Motion: It was moved by Commissioner Steele and seconded by Commissioner Nakanishi to approve the March 7, 2024, meeting minutes; in a voice vote, the motion passed 8-0-0 with all Commissioners present voting aye.

Regular Agenda

5. Report on Delta Stewardship Council Activities

Chair Burgis was not present, thus unable to deliver a report. Executive Director Blodgett stated that the Delta Stewardship Council will be meeting May 23 at the CNRA building in Sacramento.

6. Delta as Place Presentation

President of the California Striped Bass Association (CSBA), Isleton-Delta Chapter, Ken Baccetti, spoke on their role as judges for the Rio Vista Bass Derby and Festival and how the declining populations of salmon and sturgeon have affected those Derby fishing competitions. This year and last, the salmon category had to be excluded due to the salmon season closures. Now with California Department of Fish and Wildlife limiting sturgeon catches for 2023-24, it was decided to also eliminate the sturgeon category and focus on striped bass and catfish. CSBA is a conservation organization whose primary focus is striped bass, but it partners with many other fisheries, actively participates in California Fish and Game Commission meetings, and is involved with organizations that all want to see the Delta thrive again. The Derby event will be held October 11-13.

Chair Patti asked how many participants were at last year’s event. Baccetti responded there were about 300 adults and 45 children, but with a new focus this year on children they are expecting those numbers to reverse.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there was none.

7. Report on Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC) Activities

DPAC Chair Anna Swenson reported on the April meeting, which included welcoming the new tribal member Steven Hutchason, a presentation on aquatic invasive species, and an update on the National Heritage Area (NHA). Also at the April meeting was a discussion about California Forever and questions surrounding the project, including where it would source its water. Lastly, there was a round table on the late Gerry Goodie to share memories and honor him.

Commissioner Slater asked if there was a representative from California Forever and she replied there has been no response from them yet, but she is continuing to send inquiries.

Chair Patti asked if there was anything actionable from the invasive species presentation. Patti commented on the idea of dredging, which could simultaneously maintain water channels and help remove invasive species.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there was none.

8. Executive Director’s Report

Executive Director Bruce Blodgett covered various projects in his report including the NHA management plan, on which there would be a call with the National Park Service the next day, and the sixth annual Delta Heritage Forum, which is expected to be held at the Antioch Historical Museum this year. He reported that staff provided land use comments on the Contra Costa County General Plan EIR and now are working with Contra Costa County to put together findings for Commission consideration. He brought attention to the research Commission staff perform regularly for all land use reviews and the different sources they pull from. He then announced that Caltrans has cancelled the contract for Clean California interpretive and wayfinding signs and emphasized the need for creative solutions to move this project forward and to look county-by-county for relevant sign programs. Chair Patti asked if there could be an analysis done to find out how much is needed from each county. Director Blodgett agreed to have Commission staff put this information together.

Executive Director Blodgett expressed that Information Officer Holly Heyser has continued to be exceedingly successful with Commission communications. He drew attention to the list of popular media posts and articles, followed by upcoming Delta events. He ended by announcing the next DPC meeting in Oakley on July 18.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there was none.

9. Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal Act

Executive Director Blodgett reported on H.R. 7719, referring the Commission to the summary in the agenda packet on this federal legislation introduced by Congressman John Garamendi. This will allow the Coast Guard to coordinate with the Army Corps of Engineers to remove and inventory abandoned vessels. His recommendation was to write letters in support of this legislation. It was agreed that the DPC will generate a template letter to distribute to Commission members to take back to their cities and counties.

Commissioner Steele asked if law enforcement would go after people who abandon the vessels. The answer was the Coast Guard will attempt to identify the owner who shall be liable for the costs of removal and disposal and may be assessed a civil penalty.

Commissioner Bugsch stated the State Lands Commission (SLC) currently has $12 million in funding for commercial vessel removal. He said the Department of Boating and Waterways deals with recreational vessels. He said on this specific issue the SLC already has an item to vote on for its June meeting agenda, so he would abstain from tonight’s vote.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there was one:

Alice LLano, a Delta resident, asked how people should report these abandoned vessels. Chair Patti responded to contact the County Sheriff Marine Patrol. Commissioner Bugsch stated Vicki Caldwell at SLC is their contact person.

Motion: It was moved by Commissioner Steele and seconded by Commissioner Shaw to approve sending letters of support for the Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal Act; in a voice vote, the motion passed 6-0-3 with six Commissioners voting aye, and three (Bugsch, Martin, and Birdsong) abstaining.

10. Delta Leadership Program Graduation

Delta Leadership Program (DLP) Coordinator Erik Vink introduced the 2024 group of Delta Leadership Program graduates. This class is the eighth group of DLP participants, and the program now totals over 100 alumni. He also introduced the other leaders of the program, Lisa Beutler from the Stantec firm and Mike Campbell, who is president of the Delta Leadership Foundation. Class projects were then presented by the participants under the following themes: Delta Community – history of marginalized communities; Increasing awareness of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta NHA; and Directory of the Delta.

Chair Patti congratulated each graduate and presented them certificates of achievement as Coordinator Vink gave highlights of each individual’s background.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there was none.

11. Appointments to Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC)

Executive Director Blodgett mentioned the number of tremendous applicants received for the six vacant seats. It was such a great group that the few who are not recommended to move forward tonight are going to be recommended in coming years. He said the DPC will keep in contact and encourage them to stay involved.

Executive Director Blodgett recommended the appointment of Craig Watanabe (Delta Agriculture Seat 2), Emily Pappalardo (Delta Business Seat 2), Douglas Hsia (Delta Cultural Preservation), Katherine Wiley (Delta General Public Seat 2), Morris Lum (Delta Recreation Seat 2), and Erin Chappell (State Agency Seat 2) to DPAC for 3-year terms.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there was none.

Motion: It was moved by Commissioner Nakanishi and seconded by Commissioner Martin to appoint Emily Pappalardo and Katherine Wiley, and to reappoint Craig Watanabe, Douglas Hsia, Morris Lum, and Erin Chappell to the Delta Protection Advisory Committee; in a voice vote, the motion passed 9-0-0 with all Commissioners present voting aye.

12. Commissioner Comments/Announcements

Commissioner Shaw wanted to pass along a message from Commissioner Williams who could not be present: She expressed how excited she was to be on this commission and is looking forward to being at the meetings.

Commissioner Slater had a shout out for Judy Culbertson who took over the children’s classroom at the California Farm Bureau 42 years ago and recently retired. She was given recognition the night before by Secretary Ross, who presented her a framed resolution for the outstanding job she did for over 40 years.

Commissioner Steele announced June 15 and 16 will be the Crawdad Festival. On May 26 around noon at the American Legion in Isleton will be a flag retirement ritual. Lastly, Commissioner Steele surmised that Interstate 80 is being developed into a toll road. He said it is currently being built by Highway 12 and Suisun City heading towards Vallejo. This is something that will affect the Delta as traffic gets diverted to Highway 160.

Commissioner Nakanishi responded saying the people to reach out to regarding this highway issue are your own local state Senate and Assembly members.

Chair Patti also responded saying he has a good working relationship with Caltrans in his District 10 and will ask them about the highway construction plans and the scope of this toll road. He planned to get information on any studies/results and have something to report next meeting.

Chair Patti asked for public comment and there were two:

Alice LLano would like to see the fourth-grade curriculum put into schools, particularly Clarksburg where they have project-based learning. She is willing to work on that and asked anyone wanting to help to contact her.

Anna Swenson announced the Pear Fair is adding a day for its 50th anniversary. It will be held on July 27 and 28.

13. Adjourn

Chair Patti adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m.