DPC Minutes 2024-09-19

Final Meeting Minutes
Delta Protection Commission

Thursday, September 19, 2024, 5 p.m.
West Sacramento Community Center
1075 West Capital Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691


1. Call to Order and Flag Salute

Chair Diane Burgis called the meeting to order at 5:16 p.m.

2. Welcome and Roll Call

Commission Clerk Heather McClure called the roll. Present at roll call: Chair Burgis, Vice Chair John Vasquez, Commissioners Oscar Villegas, Tom Slater, Alan Nakanishi, Josh Eddy (for Karen Ross), Gloria Sandoval (for Wade Crowfoot), and Brian Bugsch (for Jennifer Lucchesi). Commissioners Tom Patti, Paul Steele, Toks Omishakin, Patrick Hume, Anissa Williams, and Jim Paroli; and ex-officio members Senator Talamantes Eggman, and Assemblymember Carlos Villapudua were absent with no alternate present. At this time, a quorum was present.

3. Public Comment

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was one:

Art Darden from Rio Vista announced he is a member of a small Delta highway coalition that monitors traffic issues in the Delta. He commented that the severe traffic issues of Highway 12 and Highway 160 are a hindrance to the local economy and emphasized the need for regional solutions. Chair Burgis asked him if he had spoken to his Assemblymember or county supervisor. He replied that his coalition has a one-on-one scheduled with Assemblywoman Lori Wilson to go over its proposal.

Closed Session Agenda

4. Closed Session – The Delta Protection Commission will meet in closed session to consider the evaluation of performance of one or more of its employees.  This closed session is authorized by Government Code section 11126, subdivision (a)(1).

The Commissioners moved to go into closed session at 5:36 p.m. Executive Director Blodgett and Deputy Attorney General Carlos Mejia joined the Commission members for the closed session.

Following the completion of the closed session, Chair Burgis reconvened in open session at 6:15 p.m. Mejia reported the Commission had created an ad hoc committee on employee performance evaluation, consisting of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Delta Protection Commission. No other reportable actions were made during the closed session.

At this time, Chair Burgis moved to Item 11, followed by Items 9, 8, and 5, in that order, to accommodate Commissioner Bugsch’s need to leave the meeting early.

Consent Agenda

5. Approval of Draft July 18, 2024, Meeting Minutes

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was none.

Motion: It was moved by Commissioner Slater and seconded by Vice Chair Vasquez to approve the July 18, 2024, meeting minutes; in a voice vote, the motion passed 8-0-0, all Commissioners present voting aye.

Regular Agenda

6. Report on Delta Stewardship Council Activities – DPC Chair Diane Burgis

Chair Burgis provided a brief update on the Council’s July 25 meeting, which covered the Delta Science Report. At its August 22 meeting, which she did not attend, it adopted regulations for the Delta Ecosystem Restoration Management project. The upcoming September 26 meeting will include a Tribal and Environmental Justice Issue Paper Public Review Draft Release, the Delta Plan Five-Year Review Report, a Lead Scientist Report with Lisamarie Myers, the Delta Watermaster Update from Jay Ziegler, and an update on the Delta Conveyance Project by the Department of Water Resources.

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was none.

7. Report on Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC) Activities – Anna Swenson (DPAC Chair)

DPAC Chair Swenson was not present, thus unable to deliver a report. Executive Director Blodgett stated DPAC’s next meeting will be October 1 at Wimpy’s Marina.

8. Delta Protection Advisory Committee Delta Waterways Cleanup project – Anna Swenson (DPAC Chair)

Executive Director Blodgett stated the Committee proposed organizing a Delta cleanup event for next year to contribute alongside the annual Coastal Cleanup that takes place each September.

Commissioner Villegas commented that several Waterway Cleanup events are scheduled for September 21, and he is sponsoring one on the Sacramento River with approximately 40 participants.

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was none.

Motion: It was moved by Commissioner Villegas and seconded by Commissioner Slater to approve DPAC to organize a Delta Waterways Cleanup for 2025; in a voice vote, the motion passed 8-0-0, all Commissioners present voting aye.

9. Delta Protection Advisory Committee Gerry Goodie Memorial Seat – Anna Swenson (DPAC Chair)

Executive Director Blodgett stated the Committee voted at its most recent meeting to recommend naming Public Seat 2, previously held by Gerry Goodie, the Gerry Goodie Memorial Seat in his honor following his sudden passing early this year.

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was none.

Motion: It was moved by Commissioner Slater and seconded by Commissioner Villegas to approve the DPAC Gerry Goodie Memorial Seat; in a voice vote, the motion passed 8-0-0, all Commissioners present voting aye.

10. Executive Director’s Report – Bruce Blodgett, Executive Director

Executive Director Blodgett provided an update on the National Heritage Area Management Plan, which was expected back from National Park Service by September 12 but has been delayed while the Service consults with area tribes. He reported that West Sacramento is close to finalizing a contract with a consultant for the Clarksburg Branch Line Trail extension; mentioned the City of Isleton has been awarded a $20,000 grant for broadband access; and spoke on two letters of support submitted by DPC staff for research projects on rice cultivation methods, and another on the possible link between Harmful Algal Blooms and human health in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. He then drew attention to the Land Use Comments section in the packet and added that, in addition to what was included, extensive work is being done with Rio Vista and Contra Costa County to align their general plans with the Land Use and Resource Management Plan. He also mentioned a new proposal for a wind-solar data center array on Jersey Island that staff will continue to follow.

Chair Burgis clarified that, rather than a data center, it will be a battery used to store energy captured on site.

Executive Director Blodgett announced the Delta Leadership Program application process began on September 13, with a deadline of November 22. Eric Vink will continue as the DLP facilitator. He then touched on three items that had come up recently, which had not made it into the written report. First, Boating and Waterways is looking to pursue a NOAA grant for large debris removal and will be seeking partners for the project, presenting a potential for DPC collaboration. Second, the Empire Tract Road closure in San Joaquin County has raised concerns among landowners in that area, which may lead to an appeal being brought before the Commission. Lastly, with numerous proposed carbon sequestration projects in the Delta and surrounding areas, the need for an emergency response plan in the event of any issues has been raised and may be a future agenda item.

Chair Burgis commented that many people have concerns about the safety of carbon sequestration projects. She suggested contacting Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which has conducted research on carbon sequestration.

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was none.

11. NHA Advisory Committee Appointments – Blake Roberts

Blake Roberts spoke briefly about the formation of the new NHA Advisory Committee, a transition from the previous Management Plan Advisory Committee. The charter for the Advisory Committee was approved at the July Commission meeting, followed by an application period. Nineteen applications were received. A subcommittee consisting of Chair Burgis and Commissioner Villegas reviewed the applications and made recommendations for the Commission, with considerations for geographic and agency representation.

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was none.

Motion: It was moved by Vice Chair Vasquez and seconded by Commissioner Villegas to approve the proposed appointments to the NHA Advisory Committee; in a voice vote, the motion passed 8-0-0, all Commissioners present voting aye.

12. Delta as Place Presentation: Delta Agriculture – Tom Slater, Board of Directors, North Delta Water Agency

Chair Burgis introduced Tom Slater, a third-generation farmer born and raised in Clarksburg, who serves on four boards: Reclamation District 999 as Manager, the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency, the California Central Valley Flood Control Association, and the North Delta Water Agency. He is also a Commission member for the Delta Protection Commission.

Commissioner Slater expressed his love for agriculture and all that embodies the Delta. He provided an update on the grape harvest, noting it ended earlier than usual due to weather conditions, with light yields across California. He mentioned that this lighter crop comes at a fitting time, given the decline in wine consumption over the last few years. Pears also experienced a lighter harvest, which he again attributed to weather, though their economic value remains strong. Despite the ups and downs in agriculture, Slater emphasized that the Delta remains healthy and continues to thrive. He highlighted the importance of the agritourism industry, particularly with small boutique wineries, which contribute significantly to the Delta’s economy through their impact on local businesses. He contrasted this with large-scale production agriculture, which brings in more revenue and affects the region’s tax base.

Slater then shifted focus to reclamation districts, discussing their role in generating assessment fees and the critical responsibility they have to maintain levees, which protect both agricultural land and the state’s water supply. Commissioner Slater concluded by emphasizing the importance of communication between farmers, environmentalists, and state agencies. He stressed that this collaboration is essential for developing and implementing effective solutions to maintain the Delta’s levees and agricultural sustainability.

Chair Burgis asked if the water used for agriculture is coming from wells or surface water and he responded that in the Delta there are very few wells.

Chair Burgis asked for public comment and there was one: Art Darden commented on the importance of addressing the salinity issue in the Delta, which affects farmers and water quality.

DPC staff member Mike Aviña commented that large-scale restoration projects in the Delta, which help maintain the Delta’s salinity barrier, such as through the Fall X2 action, seem to be pursued over ag land conservation. He noted that, to the extent these projects use less water than agriculture, they may reflect a broader strategy to increase the amount of water available for export.

Chair Burgis replied that many of these studies are not necessarily conducted to further those outcomes, but rather, are meant to explore and better understand those ideas.

Commissioner Slater replied to Aviña saying he is unaware of any concerted effort to that extent but made it clear that the Delta uses very little applied water, citing the work of Jay Zeigler and Michael George to support this claim.

Commissioner Villegas suggested that the DPC take a more proactive role in making recommendations to our legislative representatives. Slater agreed, noting that the Delta caucus is available, and offered his assistance if the Commission decides to organize a committee.

Executive Director Blodgett pointed out that managed wetlands use more water than farmland due to evapotranspiration and added that leaving a field fallow still results in nearly the same water usage because something will always naturally grow in the Delta.

Commissioner Slater agreed with Blodgett and concluded by emphasizing the importance of collaboration with elected officials and agencies to address these Delta challenges.

13. Commissioner Comments/Announcements

Chair Burgis announced the next meeting will be November 21.

14. Adjourn

Chair Burgis adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m.