NHA Minutes 2024-10-31
Meeting Minutes
National Heritage Area Advisory Committee
Thursday, October 31, 2024, 2 p.m.
Oakley Recreation Center, 1250 O’Hara Ave, Oakley, CA 94561
1. Call to Order – Bruce Blodgett, NHA Advisory Committee Chair
Bruce Blodgett, NHAAC Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:11 p.m.
2. Roll Call
A quorum was present with members Chair Bruce Blodgett, David Stuart, Elizabeth Patterson, Morris Lum, Don Nottoli, Diane Burgis, Oscar Villegas, Carol Jensen, Mike Campbell, Lisa Craig, and alternates Paulette Hennum and Douglas Hsia. Ex-officio members present were Chris Lim and Amanda Blosser.
Guests present were Mike Moran, Trevor Rice, Julie Lee, Peter Myers, Jack Johnson, and Todd Plain.
DPC staff present were Blake Roberts, Holly Heyser, Debra Waltman, and Heather McClure.
3. Public Comment
There were no comments from members of the public.
4. Approval of June 18, 2024, Meeting Minutes
Member Patterson motioned to receive and file the June 18, 2024, meeting minutes. Member Villegas seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Update on NHA Activities – Blake Roberts
Roberts provided an introductory overview of the Management Plan’s current status, noting he expects to hear back from National Park Service soon regarding the Plan’s approval. He highlighted that federal funding should increase once the Plan is approved. Roberts then outlined a comprehensive list of items identified in the Management Plan requiring action within the first one or two years after the Plan is approved, including the Passport Program, the Junior Ranger Program, Operation Pollination, and the NHA’s celebration of America 250. He also reported on the Branding and Tourism RFP, which received five proposals; this year’s Delta Heritage Forum, featuring panels on youth engagement, public art, and partnerships, as well as a scavenger hunt; and the bimonthly Delta Heritage Courier newsletter, focused on heritage issues. Additionally, Roberts discussed the Alliance of National Heritage Areas, an association of all the national heritage areas in the country that holds annual meetings in Washington, D.C., along with spring and fall meetings at different National Heritage Areas throughout the country. He concluded by emphasizing the importance of Committee members acting as ambassadors to promote the National Heritage Area and seeking out potential partnership opportunities.
6. Elect Vice Chair – The Committee
Member Campbell moved to nominate Member Patterson for the position of Vice Chair, and Member Nottoli seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
7. Establish 2024/2025 Meeting Calendar – Bruce Blodgett/Blake Roberts
Chair Blodgett pointed out that the proposed calendar dates are conflicting with meeting dates for the Delta Stewardship Council so it was decided to bring this item back at the December 6 meeting.
8. Assignment of Terms for Seats – Bruce Blodgett/Blake Roberts
Roberts had members “draw” terms for annual appointments set to expire in either 2025, 2026, or 2027. Members who were not present had terms drawn for them. The results were as follows:
2025: David Stuart, alternate Paulette Hennum, not present – Dan Whaley, Dwayne Eubanks, and Stuart Walthall.
2026: Elizabeth Patterson, Morris Lum, Lisa Craig, Carol Jensen, not present – Katie Wiley and alternate Janet Lake.
2027: Don Nottoli, Mike Campbell, alternate Douglas Hsia, not present – Colin Coffey and alternate Gia Moreno.
9. Formation of Task Groups – Blake Roberts
Roberts asked each member to rank their preferences among the five advisory task groups: Communications and Marketing, which will focus on the marketing plan; Cultural and Historical Resources, centered on cultural preservation; Heritage Development and Tourism, focusing on tourism; Interpretive Planning, addressing the area’s stories and how they will be told; and Natural Resources, focusing on the region’s resources. He stated each member will serve on at least one task group, with no more than five committee members on each task group. Any remaining members of the task group will be comprised of subject matter experts and stakeholders.
As deemed necessary, special task groups may be convened to support temporary or occasional activities.
10. NHA Partnership Program – Blake Roberts
Roberts spoke on the importance of developing a partnership program, noting all successful NHAs rely on a strong network of partners. He emphasized the need to foster collaborations that are mutually beneficial, noting that such efforts are also vital for enhancing the visibility and growth of the NHA. These partnerships can range from informal to formal agreements, and are open to various groups, including government agencies, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and businesses.
To formalize these relationships, Roberts proposed using a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to establish general guidelines and benefits. He described the MOU as a living document that will evolve as partnerships develop. Customizations for specific partnerships will be addressed through appendices, with examples including the Passport Program and volunteer time reporting, which tracks contributions to meet federal grant match requirements.
11. Member Announcements and Adjourn
Trevor Rice announced staff changes within the National Park Service for sites in Contra Costa County. He also shared that he has been selected to go on a detail to the Midwest region, which may leave the parks short-handed for the next few months.
Chair Blodgett reported that the district office in Sacramento has decided to install two of the NHA signs as early as the first week of November. One sign will be placed near Twin Cities Road and Interstate 5, and the other near Rio Vista at the intersection of Highway 160 and Highway 12.
Chair Blodgett announced the next meeting will be December 6 at 10 a.m. and we are looking into the Clarksburg Schoolhouse as the location.
Chair Blodgett adjourned the meeting at 3:32 p.m.