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2022 Delta Heritage Forum – Writing the Next Chapter in Delta Heritage
November 3, 2022@1:00 pm-7:30 pm
The 2022 Delta Heritage Forum was held in person in Walnut Grove on Thursday, November 3. This year’s theme was “Writing the Next Chapter in Delta Heritage.”
1:30 to 2:00 PM: Introduction and Update on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area (Video)
Dr. Blake Roberts, Delta Protection Commission, provided details on the Forum and an update on NHA activities.
Introduction and Update on the NHA Presentation Slides (PDF)
2:00 to 2:30 PM: Using the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) to Protect Our Heritage
Virginia Gardiner and Dan Ray, Delta Protection Commission, discussed how to protect the Delta’s heritage and historic resources using the National Historic Preservation Act.
Using the NHPA to Protect Delta Heritage Presentation Slides (PDF)
2:30 to 3:30 PM: Celebrating the American Spirit: Planning for America 250 (Video)
This workshop involved brainstorming potential events and activities to celebrate the 250th anniversary of America’s independence. The session opened with a short presentation on America 250 with Delta Leadership Program alumni Douglas Hsia and Morris Lum.
Celebrating America 250 Presentation Slides (PDF)
3:45 to 4:45 PM: Panel on Contemporary Writing about the Delta
Local writers and historians talked about contemporary writing about the Delta and their paths to publication. The panel included:
- Bob Benedetti, Author of Imagining the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta: An Anthology of Voices Across Centuries
- Carol Jensen, Author and local historian
- Dan Hanel, Author of the historical mystery series In the Shadow of Diablo
- Natalie Beaver, Sacramento Public Library (moderator)
- Mitzi Martinsen, Sacramento Public Library (moderator)
4:45 to 5:45 PM: Lightning Talks (Video)
- Using Public Art & Placemaking to Share Community Stories: Examples from the Niagara Falls National Heritage Area (PDF)– Ally Spongr, Niagara Falls National Heritage Area
- Progress Report on the 1883 Clarksburg Schoolhouse – Steve Heringer, Friends of the 1883 Clarksburg Schoolhouse
- Vintage Barn Salvage and Repair: Preserving Delta History (PDF) – Steven Ropp, RePurpose Salvage & Furniture
- Delta Residents Survey and Environmental Justice in the Delta (PDF) – Amanda Bohl, Delta Stewardship Council
6:00 to 7:30 PM: National Heritage Area Management Plan Public Workshop
This workshop was an interactive group discussion on the Delta NHA Management Plan led by:
- Amanda Blosser, California Department of Parks and Recreation
- Heather Holm, California Department of Parks and Recreation
- Dr. Blake Roberts, Delta Protection Commission
NHA Management Plan Presentation Slides (PDF)
View the 2021 Forum webpage for videos of last year’s talks.
More information about the National Heritage Area can be found on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area webpage. For questions about the Forum, contact Blake Roberts at blake.roberts@delta.ca.gov.