- This event has passed.
Delta Protection Advisory Committee
October 1, 2024@5:30 pm-7:30 pm
The Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC) provides recommendations to the Delta Protection Commission on diverse interests within the Delta, including the Delta’s ecosystem, water supply, socioeconomic sustainability, recreation, agriculture, flood control, environment, water resources, utility infrastructure, and other Delta issues. This 17-member committee is appointed by the Commission and meets regularly; members serve three-year terms and may be re-appointed. Meetings are open to the public and everyone’s input is welcome. The Committee was created by the Delta Protection Act, Public Resources Code Section 29753(a). This is its Charter (PDF).
Delta Protection Advisory Committee
Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Wimpy’s Marina
14001 West Walnut Grove Rd., Walnut Grove, CA 95690
- Call to Order/Flag Salute – Anna Swenson, DPAC Chair
- Welcome and Roll Call
- Public Comment – An opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee regarding items not on the agenda
- Approval of August 6, 2024, Meeting Minutes – The Committee
- Update on Delta Protection Commission activities – Bruce Blodgett
- Presentation on the Delta Meadows Plan – Megan Harrison, California State Parks
- Operations Plan for the Delta Conveyance Project overview
- Levee Funding – Emily Pappalardo
- Delta Waterways Cleanup standing agenda item – Anna Swenson
- Member Announcements and Next Meeting
- Adjourn
The agenda items listed above may be considered in a different order at the Committee meeting, subject to the discretion of the Chair. At the discretion of the Committee, all items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated upon and may be subject to action. The Committee welcomes and encourages participation in its meetings. The Committee limits testimony to not more than three minutes per person, or more time at the discretion of the Chair.
Questions, Comments, and Requests
If you have any questions or have a request for reasonable modification or accommodation due to a disability, please contact the Delta Protection Commission at dpc@delta.ca.gov or (916) 375-4800.
Comments submitted to submit@delta.ca.gov by noon on September 30, 2024, will be shared with Commissioners prior to the meeting to the extent possible. Public comments on each agenda item will follow the order of: 1) emailed comments, 2) those verbally requesting to make comments after notice offered by Chair during meeting.
Delta Protection Advisory Committee Members
Chair Anna Swenson and Katherine Wiley (Delta general public) | Vice-Chair Russ Ryan (Delta water exporter) | Emily Pappalardo and Arron Pellarin (Delta business) | Craig Watanabe and Gary Mello (Delta agriculture) | Todd Bruce and Morris Lum (Delta recreation) | Edward Hard and Erin Chappell (State agency) | Chris Elias (Delta flood entity) | Mariah Looney (Delta organization) | Jim Cox (Delta habitat/conservation non-governmental entity) | Sam Garcia (Delta utility/related infrastructure) | Douglas Hsia (Delta Cultural Preservation) | Steven Hutchason (Delta Tribal Member).
EX OFFICIO MEMBERS: Representatives of the California Department of Water Resources, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Delta Stewardship Council, and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy.