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Delta Protection Commission Meeting
November 19, 2020@4:00 pm-6:00 pm
Information about participating by Zoom or telephone, and submitting public comments, is available on our Remote Meetings page.
Administrative Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome & Roll Call
3. Public Comment – an opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not on the Agenda
4. Chair’s Report on Delta Stewardship Council activities
5. Commissioner comments/announcements
Consent Agenda
6. Consider approval of September 17, 2020 meeting minutes
7. Consider approval of 2021 Commission meeting dates
Regular Agenda
8. Receive Executive Director report – Erik Vink
9. Elect 2021-2022 Commission Chair and Vice-Chair, per Public Resources Code Section 29739(b)
10. Receive report on Delta Stewardship Council science activities – Natasha Nelson; Amanda Bohl, Delta Stewardship Council; Dr. Mark Lubell, UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy
11. Delta National Heritage Area – Erik Vink and Dr. Blake Roberts
a) Consider appointments to Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan Advisory Committee
b) Delegate authority to Executive Director to approve additional funding for Point Heritage Development Consulting contract
12. Receive report on Economic Sustainability Plan-Recreation and Tourism Chapter update and consider recommendations – Virginia Gardiner and Erik Vink
13. Receive Delta Protection Advisory Committee report – Mark Pruner, DPAC Chair
14. Receive report on DWR Proposition 1 Delta Levees funding and consider approval of letter to Delta legislators – Erik Vink
15. Adjourn
If you have any questions or need reasonable accommodations due to a disability, please contact our office at (916) 375-4800 or dpc@delta.ca.gov.
Comments submitted to submit@delta.ca.gov by noon on November 19 will be shared with Commissioners prior to the meeting to the extent possible. Public comments on each agenda item will follow the order of: 1) emailed comments, 2) people with “Raised Hand” inside of Zoom, and 3) those verbally requesting to make comments after notice offered by Chair during meeting.
The agenda items listed above may be considered in a different order at the Commission meeting, subject to the discretion of the Chair. At the discretion of the Commission, all items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated upon and may be subject to action. The Commission welcomes and encourages participation in its meetings. The Commission limits testimony to not more than three minutes per person, or more time at the discretion of the Chair.