Delta Protection Commission Meeting
VirtualInformation about participating by Zoom or telephone, and submitting public comments, is available on our Remote Meetings page. Administrative Agenda 1. Call to Order and Flag Salute 2. Welcome & Roll Call 3. Public Comment – an opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not on the Agenda 4. Commissioner comments/announcements Consent […]
Public Comment Workshop – Economic Sustainability Plan Update for Recreation & Tourism
VirtualDelta Protection Commission staff seeks your input on the recommendations and implementation ideas in the draft Economic Sustainability Plan (ESP) Recreation and Tourism chapter update. The ESP is a document the Commission and other Delta agencies use to guide efforts to support and enhance the Delta economy. Recreation and tourism-related economic and visitation data has […]
Rich Turner: How I Saw It at the Haggin Museum
Haggin Museum 1201 N Pershing Ave, Stockton, CARICH TURNER: How I Saw It, digs deep into the artist's files to share photographs of Antarctica, newspaper work from the Roseville Press-Tribune and Stockton Record, and highlights of his fine-art and commercial work in the San Joaquin County region and Delta. There will also be a selection of photo essays from Soundings, a Bay-Delta […]
CalSPEED Demo: Improving Your Broadband Internet in the Delta
VirtualAre you experiencing slow internet service in the Delta? Help us help YOU… As a Delta resident or business person, your participation in the CalSPEED test will help identify and prioritize underserved areas, like the Delta, for state and federal broadband infrastructure funding. In this 45-minute virtual workshop you will learn more about the CalSPEED program, […]
Demostración de CalSPEED: Mejorando tu Internet de Banda Ancha en el Delta
VirtualEstas experimentando servicio de internet lento en el Delta? Ayúdanos a AYUDARTE... Como residente o empresario en el Delta, tu participación en las pruebas de CalSPEED ayudaran a identificar y dar prioridad a áreas con deficiente servicio o sin servicio, como el Delta, para financiamiento estatal o federal de infraestructura de banda ancha. En este taller virtual de […]
Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC) Meeting
VirtualThe DPAC meeting agenda includes: Report from Sea Grant Social Science Extension specialist Report on Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority Stakeholder Engagement Committee Update on ESP Recreation and Tourism recommendations Proposed edits to Vision 2030 Report on proposed Delta Cross Channel improvements Proposed Commission guiding principles for Delta Adapts (DSC climate adaptation project) Join by Zoom […]
Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan Advisory Committee Meeting
VirtualThe Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan Advisory Committee will be meeting on Thursday, March 4, 2021 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The agenda will include: Selection of NHA Advisory Committee Vice Chair Discussion of potential interpretive themes Update on NHA Advisory Task Group formation NHA Management Plan schedule for 2021 Review of […]
Delta Protection Commission Meeting
VirtualAdministrative Agenda 1. Call to order and Flag Salute 2. Welcome & Roll Call 3. Public Comment – an opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not on the Agenda 4. Report on Delta Stewardship Council activities – Chair Don Nottoli 5. Commissioner comments/announcements Consent Agenda 6. Consider approval of […]
Delta Marketing Workshop Series – Websites
VirtualWatch the workshop recording Are you a small business owner in the Delta and looking for easy, low-cost ways to expand your marketing efforts? The Delta Protection Commission, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy, and Visit CA Delta invite you to a free, four-part Delta Marketing Workshop Series to help your small business grow and thrive. We […]
Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC) Meeting
VirtualThe DPAC meeting agenda includes: 1. Call to Order/Flag Salute/Welcome – Mark Pruner, DPAC Chair 2. Receive and discuss report on Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority Stakeholder Engagement Committee – Douglas Hsia, DPAC and DCA-SEC member (10 mins.) 3. Review and discuss current proposal for Delta Conveyance Project Community Benefits Program – Erik Vink and […]
Great Delta Trail Master Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
VirtualThe Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee will be meeting to discuss the Great Delta Trail Master Plan draft materials and next steps, including a public survey. Join by Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 936 7293 7251 Password: 5280 or phone: 1 669 900 9128
NHA Management Plan Advisory Committee
VirtualJoin by Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 854 2390 6437 Password: 221122 or phone: Phone number: 1 888 363 4734 (US Toll Free) Access Code: 388754 (press # after entering code)
Delta Marketing Task Force Meeting
VirtualWe are hosting a virtual Delta Marketing Task Force meeting to share with you some exciting updates and to hear your feedback on several upcoming and potential projects, including: Delta Marketing Workshop Series We will discuss the first marketing workshop help in April and the remaining three workshops in May, June, and July. Your feedback will help us refine the […]
Delta Protection Commission Meeting
VirtualAdministrative Agenda 1. Call to order and Flag Salute 2. Welcome & Roll Call 3. Public Comment – an opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not on the Agenda 4. Report on Delta Stewardship Council activities – Chair Don Nottoli 5. Commissioner comments/announcements Consent Agenda 6. Consider approval of […]
Delta Marketing Workshop Series – Social Media
VirtualWatch the workshop recording Are you a small business owner in the Delta and looking for easy, low-cost ways to expand your marketing efforts? The Delta Protection Commission, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy, and Visit CA Delta invite you to a free, four-part Delta Marketing Workshop Series to help your small business grow and thrive. We […]