THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED; THE COMMITTEE WILL MEET AUG. 3. The Delta Protection Commission is the entity responsible for preparing a management plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area, which was created by Congress in 2019 (PDF). To advance that goal, the Commission created a 15-member volunteer NHA Management Plan Advisory Committee – […]
The Delta Protection Commission was created by the Delta Protection Act of 1992 (Act), codified in the Public Resources Code and most recently amended in November 2009. The Act declared that the Delta is a natural resource of statewide, national, and international significance, containing irreplaceable resources, and that it is the policy of the State to […]
The Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC) provides recommendations to the Delta Protection Commission on diverse interests within the Delta, including the Delta’s ecosystem, water supply, socioeconomic sustainability, recreation, agriculture, flood control, environment, water resources, utility infrastructure, and other Delta issues. This fifteen-member committee is appointed by the Commission and meets regularly; members serve three-year terms […]
The Delta Protection Commission is the entity responsible for preparing a management plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area, which was created by Congress in 2019 (PDF). To advance that goal, the Commission created a 15-member volunteer NHA Management Plan Advisory Committee – read its charter (PDF) – to develop the plan. The NHA […]